When you hit PUBLISH for you blog post, it ain’t over.
Most bloggers make the mistake to think it is the finish line. NOPE. It is the exact opposite.
When your blog post goes live, that is the BEGINNING, not the end of your content marketing activity. [Tweet That!]
1. Offer a Content Upgrade. Save the post as a printer friendly PDF. Add a cover and back page to make it spiffy. Then offer it within the original blog post and any topically related posts to download in exchange for name and email added to your update list. Try www.printfriendly.com
2. Tweet it.
3. Schedule another tweet in the future. The half-life of a tweet is so short that you need to repeat yourself in the future to get the word out on valuable content. There are great WordPress plugins for this too like Co-Schedule.
4. Facebook it.
5. Add a social action pull quote. Use plugins or manually make an easy link from www.ClickToTweet.com so a tweet will be pre populated upon a click!
6. Notify anyone you mention or link to in the post. (And you should be doing that regularly). Send them an email or tweet. Thank them. Subtly suggest they can feel free to share it with their own social networks.
7. Figure Out Infographic Options. Anything in the post that can be turned into an infographic or visual? Text over graphic headline? Quote? Factoid? Posts with images get read more. Shared more.
8. Upload your PDF version to SlideShare, the largest social document sharing platform.
9. Post to StumbleUpon. Categorization is key.
10. Post to Reddit. Find the best sub-Reddit and share it so that it gets exposure and if you’re lucky, go viral.
UPDATE: Want the video or infographic version of this post? Check it out here.