Gabbing About Generosity: Culture of Ready with Doug Turner

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Gabbing About Generosity: Culture of Ready with Doug Turner

Today I sat down with Doug Turner of Culture of Ready.

He’s an industry veteran helping churches and ministries raise over $1 Billion during his tenure in this role.

 Kenny Jahng interviews Doug Turner 

One of the things that I really was looking forward to hearing about is Doug’s notion that communities that understand good stewardship and generosity don’t do it from the platform per se.

Usually when you think capital campaign, etc you think large vision nights, extended preaching on sacrificial giving, etc.

 generosity conversation with Doug Turner & Kenny Jahng 
But apparently Doug’s approach doesn’t use those tactics as the centerpiece and driver of all things related to installing a culture of generosity within a church community.

So here we are, sitting down for a good chat about churches & giving from his perspective:

What did you catch in this conversation? Help me to digest the wisdom Doug is sharing with us be commenting below with that stuck with you in this interview video?

Kenny Jahng is a content marketing advisor and communications strategist who helps nonprofit, cause-driven and faith-based organizations / churches. You can connect with Kenny on Twitter @kennyjahng

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