Are You Instructing or Equipping Your Congregation at Christmas?
A recent research study asked people across America about their church attendance at Christmastime. PEOPLE WANT MEANING IN THEIR CHRISTMAS SERVICE 77% of people attend Christmas services “to honor Jesus“ VS Only 9% attend “to observe tradition“ Only 3% attend “to get in the holiday spirit“ WHAT’S MISSING: AN INVITATION 37% of Americans typically do […]
Scale Up: 4 Critical Workflow Hacks For Growing Organizations
Remember that feeling when you started something new? In the beginning that new ministry or business venture felt so right – it had all the energy, all the excitement, all the buzz. Everyone loved it…until your processes couldn’t keep up with your passion, and things started to unravel. It happens. Every growing organization will eventually […]
Case Study Follow-Up Report: QuuuPromote Social Media Sharing Tool
Last month, I shared about a social media link sharing tool that I have been using to get the word out for various posts I’ve published. has taken my submitted posts and offered to their network of social media influencers / customers who are looking for quality curated content to share with their own […]
7 Tools Every Fundraising Campaign Should Be Using For Donor Development
This holiday season, I am helping to spearhead digital donor development efforts for a local nonprofit charity. For the first time in the history of the 79-year-old organization, they will take to social media and online advertising to help broaden exposure, cultivate new audiences and hopefully raise some initial funds from online activities this year. […]
3 Reasons Pastors Should Blog
Today, I asked Seth Muse to share some of his thoughts on a topic that usually gets misdirected: why blog? Usually the first responses involve platform building, better exposure as a leadeR, etc. But Seth has some authentically ministry-driven reasons why a pastor should consider taking the time to dedicate to the exercise of publishing. […]
Church Giving Trends: State of the Plate 2016
If you are part of any church ministry, or even a faith-based nonprofit for that matter, there’s one report that comes out every couple years that is important to note: the State of the Plate. Brian Kluth just put out the latest version today. Here’s an infographic that summarizes just a portion of the findings […]
Is Your Church’s Christmas Social Media Content Ready?
Can you hear the Christmas carols playing? Do you already feel the cold Christmas breeze damping on your cheeks? How about little kids screaming ‘Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!’? The Holiday Season is just around the corner, and it’s time to get your festivity spirit up, and so is your social media activities. Take advantage […]
What a #GivingTuesday Online Sock Drive Looks Like
Launching on November 29 or otherwise known as #GivingTuesday, the Greater Newark Holiday Fund is raising funds to buy thermal socks for 2,000 people living without housing in the State of New Jersey. To help these individuals, the Greater Newark Holiday Fund is hosting a #GivingTuesday Online Sock Drive. Everyone is invited to participate and […]
39 Instagram Statistics That Gives a Clear Snapshot of What’s Going On
This post is for Instagram statistics junkies. Who would have thought that a millennial-obsessed selfie and food pics mobile app called Instagram would be one of the most successful players in the social media industry today? And yes, I’m talking about the photo-sharing application Instagram. With its fresh concepts and innovative updates, Instagram continues to […]