Fatherhood is a common and important theme found in the Bible. So there must be Bible verses appropriate for Father’s Day, right? YUP. For this coming Father’s Day, here’s a list of verses from Scripture that you might find to be relevant and a source of inspiration. I’ll give you 7 key verses below first […]
Mindset by Carol Dweck // Leaders are Readers
As you know, this year I am trying to tackle two books a month at the minimum as I get back into the rhythm of reading and learning from other leaders. #LeadersAreReaders! One of the “classics” that I started the year off is Mindset by Carol Dweck. This is one book that I have heard […]
The #1 Thing Worship Band Leaders Aren’t Doing Right Now, But Should Be
Hey Worship Band Leaders . . . Here’s a test: DO YOU KNOW THESE TWO (plus @GaryVee) YOUTUBE SUPERSTARS? If you are a worship band leader and you don’t know who these young women are, take a look at this episode of the #ASKGARYVEE Show because after watching, you’ll agree it’s super important to know why […]
Mother’s Day Is Bigger Than You Think
It was a surprise to me when I first heard the research from Lifeway about Mother’s Day and the church. Upon reflection it makes sense, but I think most church leaders aren’t intentional about Mother’s Day as it is Easter or Christmas. But since it is the #1 non-religious holiday attendance Sunday for most churches, pastors should […]
Missional Discipleship Via Social Media
I was recently asked to speak at The Wesleyan Church’s Missional Discipleship Conference Online. Here is my interview segment with Jeremy Summers of their Church Multiplication & Discipleship division. It was an honor to be invited into the conversation. I love what they are doing. Their efforts to build momentum are reflected in the […]
STOP Using Social Media As A Megaphone
You really don’t have an excuse anymore. So just put down the megaphone. You can’t say this is all new stuff and you don’t know any better. Why? Because. . . They are all OLD. Older than you think. Social media is NO LONGER a shiny new fad. Wikipedia launched may of 2001. That’s 15 years […]
Can Ritual Be Redeemed? James KA Smith Things So.
Today, I’m reflecting on this talk by author @James_KA_Smith about ritual. So much of the contemporary church is allergic to things that feel like the all-too-quickly condemned old, dying denominational church expression: Liturgy. Ritual. Habit. Surely, our mainline denominational churches aren’t doing a good job of passing the baton forward to the next generation. That’s a […]
12 Thoughtful Ways To Make a Church Service on Mother’s Day Heartwarming and Impactful
Did you know that the origin of Mother’s Day was from the church? Yes, a woman from a United Methodist Church started it at all and it became a national movement. So it’s definitely a church thing! So it is quite natural for you to plan your church service the week of Mother’s Day in […]
Social Media Platforms: Home Sweet Home
The more I work with social media networks and platforms, the more I realize that each one is quite different from each other. Here’s one way to look at it that I recently pulled together to help paint the picture of why and how social media platforms differ from each other: Which newer social […]
It’s Friday But Sunday’s Coming!