EMAIL PRODUCTIVITY IS IMPORTANT As a communicator, when assembling copy for any email blast, you need to come to grips with the fact that what you write IN the email isn’t as important as the couple of words you write and use as the Subject Line. Paying attention to email productivity will reap you big […]
139 MORE Instagram Facts & Stats
I’ve shared the case for Instagram before because I want you to be swayed not by opinion, but by the facts. You CANNOT ignore Instagram any longer. 70.7% of brands will use Insta in 2017. Top brands post 4.9 times per week. At least 5% of Instagrammers take an action after seeing a post by […]
Leadership Development with Ministry Library
Being a pastor is tough. Leadership development is needed for so many thing in your daily routine. You have so many things on your plate . . . preaching counseling recruiting training leading managing . . .the list never ends. Plus, you have your own life and your family! Then you see quotes like this: […]
Kent Shaffer Talks About & The Evolving Content World
Today I to sit down with Kent Shaffer of to discuss trends and tensions with digital life and the church. Kent talks about his early success as a blogger with and why such content just isn’t as impactful in today’s world of content proliferation. He shares some thoughts on collaboration and content resourcing. […]
Joseph Sangl Talks About Money Money Money + Bible
Today I had a chance to talk with Joseph Sangl who is on a quest to help pastors get over their fear about talking about money. He is the founder of I Was Broke Now I’m Not. We talk about why churches need to talk about money. And how pastors can take the first step […]
Joshua Bailey // Propel Conference 2017
Joshua Bailey is a serial entrepreneur A lot to learn from the likes of successful business guy like this. He started Graceway Media 10 years ago. Since then, he’s a co-founded and has led growth of the company the last 4 years. He’s also starting a new venture this year in 2017 called Dwell – involving a Bible reading […]
Matt Adair // Propel Conference 2017
MATT ADAIR IS SPEAKING AT PROPEL CONFERENCE Matt is the Lead Pastor of Christ Community Church in Athens, GA. He’s also the Founder and CEO of Gridiron, a coaching and consulting firm dedicated to helping leaders and organizations do work better. His past experience includes working with the Acts 29 Network as the director of operations, and he is a graduate […]
Interview with Justin Trapp, Founder of Propel Conference [VIDEO]
Details and registration: Use the hashtag #Propel17 on February 1 Connect with Justin Trapp on Twitter: @JustinTrapp Visit
5 Things I Learned From My Blog Going Viral
Almost every blogger on the internet would secretly (or not so secretly) like their writing to go viral at least once. Let’s be honest, it feels good to know that words you have sweated over, photos you have spent long hours editing, or your intense personal stories are being read, enjoyed, and are making a […]
31 Instagram Tips To Bring You Up To Speed
Church communicators have already noticed the importance of Facebook and Twitter as the major players in the social media industry. But, there’s one platform that’s topping off the charts lately, and you know what it is? It’s Instagram. If you just look at the stats, Instagram is undisputedly one of the best platforms to use when it comes […]