I was recently asked to share about my gratitude journal praxis at ChurchMarketingSucks.com for an article talking about survival methods for the craziness we encounter as church communicators. So true that when there’s a big event coming, or a PR campaign underway, it’s all a about full throttle, 24/7, all-in mindset, right?! One of the “counter-measures” that […]
5 Reasons Why Churches Need To Pay More Attention To #PrayFor ____ Memes
#PrayFor ______. We see the graphics all the time now. Love ’em or Hate ’em. The church social media communications community recently saw a nicely assembled #rant post by Justin Dean. It is a good post. In his article, Justin points out that the recent string of #PrayFor_____ opportunities create scenarios that feeds a […]
How Sharks Brought 7-Eleven and Discovery Channel Together
Walking into my local 7-Eleven convenience store, you can’t help but notice the current promotion “GRAB A BITE: Shark Week!” Usually these promotions are reserved for two Hollywood blockbuster films and tie in to large licensing franchises. But this month, it’s all about a cable television station and a week of its programming. You’ve probably […]
Yuor Mnid Is Azmnaig. Sorielusy.
Are you part of the 55 percent of people that can decipher all of the text in this image on the fly? Or are you a part of the 45 percent of the population who has trouble reading all of this? The human brain is amazing. 55% of the time in this case, I guess!
Have you ever had one of those days? Your mind is in overdrive. You’re trying to knock things off your to-do list at breakneck speed. You don’t even know what you’re thinking anymore. You’re burning the candle at both ends. How are you ever going to keep this up? What to do? How about you […]
Can Ritual Be Redeemed? James KA Smith Things So.
Today, I’m reflecting on this talk by author @James_KA_Smith about ritual. So much of the contemporary church is allergic to things that feel like the all-too-quickly condemned old, dying denominational church expression: Liturgy. Ritual. Habit. Surely, our mainline denominational churches aren’t doing a good job of passing the baton forward to the next generation. That’s a […]
What Magazine Are You Reading These Days?
Today is the day. As I walked in the house, these magazines were on the kitchen counter with the rest of the mail. TIME. And NEW SCIENTIST. It’s that day of the week again. When was the last time you picked up a magazine to read? It may seem like magazines are dead, but […]
The 3 A’s Driving Innovation Madness In Our Culture
There are three giants of industry that are shaping and reshaping culture at a maddening pace. Our lives are slowly becoming less differentiated as we all buy the same things, expect the same things, use the same things, prioritize and spend our time in the same ways. Are we using technology on a mass scale […]
Generosity Journey: Conversation About The State of Giving
Recently, Richard and I have been making varied observations about the State of Giving in our culture. Both to non-profits and the Church. There seems to be a couple of trends taking place, and many organizations are at risk of being caught in the intersection of some of these trends if they don’t wake up […]
The Top 10 Common Types of Starbucks Customers
Recently, I wrote about my List-Writing Praxis that I’ve been following these days. In that post, I shared this list that I came up with for that day. It was about Starbucks since I was working in a Starbucks location that day. Here’s the same list in a fun infographic form. Enjoy! What other types […]