Category: Ponderings

Faith Ponderings Work

5 Reasons Why Churches Need To Pay More Attention To #PrayFor ____ Memes

#PrayFor ______. We see the graphics all the time now. Love ’em or Hate ’em. The church social media communications community recently saw a nicely assembled #rant post by Justin Dean. It is a good post.     In his article, Justin points out that the recent string of #PrayFor_____ opportunities create scenarios that feeds a […]

Faith Ponderings

Can Ritual Be Redeemed? James KA Smith Things So.

Today, I’m reflecting on this talk by author @James_KA_Smith about ritual. So much of the contemporary church is allergic to things that feel like the all-too-quickly condemned old, dying denominational church expression: Liturgy. Ritual. Habit. Surely, our mainline denominational churches aren’t doing a good job of passing the baton forward to the next generation.  That’s a […]

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