Interview Ponderings Work

Social Media Church Podcast Episode on VR and Amazon’s Launch of Their New Social Network

SOCIAL MEDIA CHURCH PODCAST One of the fun podcasts to listen to is the Social Media Church Podcast. I was fortunate enough to be guest number 1 and 100 back when DJ Chuang launched the podcast. Since then Jay Kranda and Nils Smith have taken over the mic in the interview booth. THIS WEEK’S EPISODE […]


I Was Right!

Today was a totally fun day. It’s not even the end of Q3 of 2017 and another one of my social media predictions is coming true! If you recall, I had a great conversation about a set of predictions on the future of social media for how this year will go with the landscape of […]


Your Press Release Is Broken, Here’s How To Fix It

Press releases can be a very powerful tool in any communications toolbox. But can nonprofits and churches use them successfully in today’s world? THE RED HERRING I’ve had many people comment to me personally, that the media’s default position against the Church and anything Jesus related makes it impossible for them to get any meaningful […]

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