
How To Lead A Brainstorming Meeting That Pours Down Ideas

Innovation and ideation through brainstorming are such important things in the creative space.  We have to continuously protect the processes involved otherwise, our creative output becomes flat.   Today, I asked a colleague and video director, Ben Stapley to share some of the tricks of the trade he uses when facilitating a brainstorming meeting.  Enjoy! The […]

Faith Ponderings Work

5 Reasons Why Churches Need To Pay More Attention To #PrayFor ____ Memes

#PrayFor ______. We see the graphics all the time now. Love ’em or Hate ’em. The church social media communications community recently saw a nicely assembled #rant post by Justin Dean. It is a good post.     In his article, Justin points out that the recent string of #PrayFor_____ opportunities create scenarios that feeds a […]

Faith Resources Work

Why Your Church Should Invest in Social Media Communications

Getting your church involved in social media provides a great opportunity in getting more people exposed to your events, ministries and most importantly the Gospel. There’s no need to doubt whether your church should use the power of social media or not. Although everyone knows the endless perks social media offers, many churches remain unconvinced. […]

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