You really don’t have an excuse anymore. So just put down the megaphone. You can’t say this is all new stuff and you don’t know any better. Why? Because. . . They are all OLD. Older than you think. Social media is NO LONGER a shiny new fad. Wikipedia launched may of 2001. That’s 15 years […]
Can Ritual Be Redeemed? James KA Smith Things So.
Today, I’m reflecting on this talk by author @James_KA_Smith about ritual. So much of the contemporary church is allergic to things that feel like the all-too-quickly condemned old, dying denominational church expression: Liturgy. Ritual. Habit. Surely, our mainline denominational churches aren’t doing a good job of passing the baton forward to the next generation. That’s a […]
12 Thoughtful Ways To Make a Church Service on Mother’s Day Heartwarming and Impactful
Did you know that the origin of Mother’s Day was from the church? Yes, a woman from a United Methodist Church started it at all and it became a national movement. So it’s definitely a church thing! So it is quite natural for you to plan your church service the week of Mother’s Day in […]
Social Media Platforms: Home Sweet Home
The more I work with social media networks and platforms, the more I realize that each one is quite different from each other. Here’s one way to look at it that I recently pulled together to help paint the picture of why and how social media platforms differ from each other: Which newer social […]
It’s Friday But Sunday’s Coming!
10 Easy Things You Should Be Doing After You Publish A Blog Post
When you hit PUBLISH for you blog post, it ain’t over. Most bloggers make the mistake to think it is the finish line. NOPE. It is the exact opposite. When your blog post goes live, that is the BEGINNING, not the end of your content marketing activity. [Tweet That!] 10 EASY THINGS YOU SHOULD […]
What Magazine Are You Reading These Days?
Today is the day. As I walked in the house, these magazines were on the kitchen counter with the rest of the mail. TIME. And NEW SCIENTIST. It’s that day of the week again. When was the last time you picked up a magazine to read? It may seem like magazines are dead, but […]
Everyone is looking for shortcuts to build a Twitter following, but at the end of the day, you probably need to put in some elbow grease to get momentum going. Here are three easy, straightforward things to do on a daily basis on Twitter. I promise you if you do these three things for 10 […]
The 3 A’s Driving Innovation Madness In Our Culture
There are three giants of industry that are shaping and reshaping culture at a maddening pace. Our lives are slowly becoming less differentiated as we all buy the same things, expect the same things, use the same things, prioritize and spend our time in the same ways. Are we using technology on a mass scale […]
7 Types of Blog Posts That You Haven’t Written Yet (But Should)
So many bloggers I talk to have a blog, but don’t blog (regularly, or not recently). Writer’s block. Lack of things to say. So many excuses. “Yeah, I should blog more,” is a very common response. The truth is, there are two ways to approach your own outpost on the web: Strategic vs. opportunistic. If […]