Selfie Mirror Sticker [Giveaway]

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Selfie Mirror Sticker [Giveaway]

Taking the perfect selfie is an art form.

And then there is the technical limitations of the front camera.

Check out this video where I share the problem and solution of selfies with the back camera.

Interesting low-tech solution to high-tech problem with rear phone cameras. Selfie Mirror Stickers! Share on X

I’m happy to be able to send out a bunch to some of you blog readers to try out on your own.

Selfie Mirror Sticker review

Check out the video to learn how you can get one yourself as a part of the Selfie Mirror Sticker Giveaway I’m running on this post.

Kenny Jahng is a content marketing advisor and communications strategist who helps nonprofit, cause-driven and faith-based organizations / churches. You can connect with Kenny on Twitter @kennyjahng

6 thoughts on “Selfie Mirror Sticker [Giveaway]

  1. I didn’t think I’ve ever taken a non business selfie, but… this is really cool. I could see using this with video recordings and tutorials so I get better quality and the right aspect ratio.
    Thanks for sharing Kenny

  2. I’ve got a super active daughter whose interest immediately goes to the phone apps when attempting to catch her cute moments. Maybe this sticker will distract her enough to finally get that great shot by positioning the camera’s back to catch her without all the distractions of the apps.

  3. I just took a selfie today with some ladies I went to breakfast with. I would love a selfie mirror.

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