Why SuperHuman Email Marketing Is SuperSpammy

this blog shares a real-life example of email automation sequence that doesn't work
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Why SuperHuman Email Marketing Is SuperSpammy

Today I want to share the perfect example of the Law of 7 to 11 that I teach for my A.R.T. of Engagement framework — but used not that well.

At all.

. . . So I teach clients that in order for us to build a marketing engine that works, they need multiple touch points with their audience through content marketing in order to get their audience to actively consider the decision to engage.

It’s a common sales understanding that most sales people give up too soon on the 1st or 2nd call. It takes many more customer interactions to make the sale.

The problem in this example is that the email vendor doesn’t understand that “customer interaction” doesn’t mean just any old interaction like an email send or open. It needs to be #ContentWithPurpose.

Here’s a great example of the same intent of the Law of 7 to 11, but executed very very poorly:

Every couple of days I am getting an automated sales email reminding me that someone I know gave up my contact info to this sales machine — by sending me reminders that don’t give me any value.

No education about the product.

They want me to tell them about my consumer habits (to help them sell harder without know more about them? no thank you)

In fact they ask me to fill out questionnaires (to help them sell harder after getting spammed 2x with no context? no thank you)

Just an attempt to sell me something I don’t know much about and give the so called friend a bonus reward for sharing my personal contact info.

Nothing to establish their #Authority.

Nothing to demonstrate their #Relevance.

Nothing to increase my #Trust.

There’s no increase in perception of their brand on my part from this spam series. In fact, I think less of the brand and probably something similar of the person who shared my details!

art of engagement content marketing framework

This is exactly what happens when you don’t accomplish the three requirements of my A.R.T. of Engagement framework. Instead of becoming Curious, Captivated and Conversive, this brand automatically jumps to coming off as too salsey, a little creepy with a message that is definitely deafening.

It’s not necessarily easy to make your audience Curious, Captivated and Conversive at the same time. But if you are thoughtful in putting the customer first, you’ll begin to understand the A.R.T. of Engagement.

If you need help building #ContentWithPurpose, let’s talk.

Kenny Jahng is a content marketing advisor and communications strategist who helps nonprofit, cause-driven and faith-based organizations / churches. You can connect with Kenny on Twitter @kennyjahng

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