I can’t figure out if I agree with Carl George about managing creatives… can you help? #DailyKJTV vlog Ep. #239. #linkedincreator #entrepreneurslife #vlogging #creativebusiness #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #churches
#DailyKJTV Episode 137 Facebook Plans New Instagram Fundraising Tools
Do you want ANOTHER reason why your nonprofit or church should embrace Instagram? Here’s one big one. . . found in the Chronicle of Philanthropy. Turn on your volume and click PLAY for today’s #DailyKJT Vlog Ep. #137. #philanthropy #churches #linkedinvideos #linkedinvideo #facebook #instagram #donations #giving #fundraising
#DailyKJTV Episode 82 Are you doing this BIG Mistake?
BIG mistake communicators make over and over again. Are you doing this? #DailyKJTV vlog. Ep. #082 applies to all #business #nonprofits and #churches. Anyone in #communication.