Tag: innovation

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Spending The Day at #TECHDAY NYC

Visiting conferences is one way to keep the creative juices flowing. It’s always great to take advantage of conferences and exhibitors’ booth tours to see what it is on the edge of innovation in the marketplace. This week, it was a double treat because I got to head into New York City on the waterfront […]


You’ll Never Guess Which Pair of Stocks Have Outperformed Google, Apple, and Amazon This Decade

Everyone knows that the big cats of business are the THREE A’s: Apple, Amazon, and Alphabet (Google). If you had money to put in the stock market, you would consider these three first, right? They’ve got to be right on the money.  Or are they? I present to you Exhibit 1: Who would have thunk […]


How To Lead A Brainstorming Meeting That Pours Down Ideas

Innovation and ideation through brainstorming are such important things in the creative space.  We have to continuously protect the processes involved otherwise, our creative output becomes flat.   Today, I asked a colleague and video director, Ben Stapley to share some of the tricks of the trade he uses when facilitating a brainstorming meeting.  Enjoy! The […]


Boy Meets Girls. Boy Invents.

I just read a “boy meets girl” story that could potentially change the world. Here’s what happened: Boy meets girl. Boy needs to figure out a way to talk to girl. Boy discovers that girl doesn’t speak English – she only speaks French. So, what does boy do? Boy invents revolutionary earpiece that can translate […]

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