I can’t figure out if I agree with Carl George about managing creatives… can you help? #DailyKJTV vlog Ep. #239. #linkedincreator #entrepreneurslife #vlogging #creativebusiness #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #churches
#DailyKJTV Episode 186 Importance of get togethers in a team
You don’t do this enough as a leader. #DailyKJTV vlog Ep. #186 #leadership #culturewins #culture #success #hr #teambuilding #teambonding #leadershipdevelopment #employeeengagement #leader #community
#VLOGMAS Day 4 Means Four Books to Put on Your Reading List
#VLOGMAS Day 4! Let’s trade reading lists! #DailyKJTV Ep. #087 #business #leadershiptraining #leadershipdevelopment #strategy #contentmarketing #webinars #leadersarelearners
Leadership Development with Ministry Library
Being a pastor is tough. Leadership development is needed for so many thing in your daily routine. You have so many things on your plate . . . preaching counseling recruiting training leading managing . . .the list never ends. Plus, you have your own life and your family! Then you see quotes like this: […]
5 Podcasts I Have Been Devouring Without Abandon
Podcasts used to be a nerdy thing. But times have completely changed. It started with TiVo and completed the journey with Netflix. We are now a time-shifted on-demand nation. Despite the fact the more and more people are telecommuting and not sitting in cars on their way to work, podcasts have survived and now finally […]